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Hướng dẫn học, Tin giáo dục

Reducing Clauses

Rule:Về cơ bản, muốn rút gọn câu, hai chủ ngữ của hai câu hoặc hai mệnh đề phải giống nhau

1. Loại 1: Phân từ hiện tại V-ing

Form: Conj + S1 + V, S1 + V = V-ing, S1 + V

                                               (-) Not V-ing, S1 + V

* Conj: when, since, as, because, now that, seeing that, being that…

Ex: When + S1 + V, S1 + V = V-ing, S1 + V

Since we didn’t come on time, we couldn’t finish the work

= Not coming on time, we couldn’t finish the work

* Nếu hai chủ ngữ là khác nhau, ta phải giữ nguyên cả hai chủ ngữ và biến thành dạng: S1 + V-ing…, S2 + V

Ex: As the weather was bad, we couldn’t go out

= The weather being bad, we couldn’t go out

* Phân từ hiện tại còn dùng để thay thế cho ” S + V + and V” = S + V + V-ing

Ex: Mr ba sat down the sofa and took a rest.

= Mr Ba sat down the sòa taking a rest

Khi câu mệnh đề quan hệ ở dạng câu chủ động: who/which/that…+V(s,es,ed,…) = V-ing

2. Loại 2: Phân từ quá khứ Vp2/ Being Vp2

Thay thế trong câu mang nghĩa bị động

Ex: As Mr Smith gives me money, I like him very much

= Given money by Mr Smith, I like him very much

Call Lady, my sister is very satisfied

Since I call my sister Lady, she is very satisfied

* Khi câu mệnh đề quan hệ ở dạng câu bị động: who/which/that…+tobe Vp2 = Vp2

* Phân từ hiện tại còn dùng để thay thế cho ” S + V + and  tobe Vp2″ = S + V + Vp2

Ex: The chairman entered and was accompanied by the police

= The chairman entered accompanied by the police

3. Loại 3: Phân từ hoàn thành Having Vp2

Thay thế cho một hành động xảy ra trước hành động khác trong quá khứ

Ex: They carried out the plan then (they) took a rest

= Having carried out the plan, they took a rest

Nếu là câu bị động ta dùng Having been Vp2

Ex: The ship was cheched after it had been built

= Having been built, the ship was cheched

* Phân từ hoàn thành còn dùng để thay thế cho ” who/ which/ that + had Vp2″

Ex: I saw the man who had caused the accident

= I saw the man having caused the accident

* Phân từ hoàn thành còn dùng để thay thế cho các mệnh đề với các liên từ mà dùng ở HTHT hoặc QKHT

Ex: As Lan has lived here for many years, she knows many people

= Having lived here for many years, Lan knows many people

Chú ý: Nếu ý nghĩa của câu cần bị động, ta pahir dùng Having been Vp2

Ex: After they had taken him to hospital, he died there

= Having been taken to hospital, he died there


1. MỆNH ĐỀ TƯƠNG PHẢN VÀ MỆNH ĐÊ MỤC ĐÍCH ( although, so that…)


After/ Before + S1 + V, S1 + V = After/ Before + V-ing, S1 + V

3. WHEN + S1 + V, S1 + V = ON/ ONCE/ UPON + V-ING, S1 + V



Although John is intelligent, he won’t be able to do it

= Although intelligent, John won’t be able to do it

                  His intelligence, John won’t be able to do it

5. ellip. = elliptical clause= mệnh đề rút gọn, lược bỏà bỏ đại từ/danh từ + to be

6. part. = participial phrase = cụm từ có động từ ở dạng bị độngà chuyển thành V-ed

                                                   cụm từ có động từ ở dạng chủ độngà chuyển thành V-ing

7. infi = infinitive phrase = cụm có động từ nguyên thểà chuyển thành “to V” (“to” +động từ nguyên thể) (những sự việc thiên hướng về tương lai hoặc mục đích)

Ex: A. I got the idea for this story while I was peeling potatoes. (ellip.)

à I got the idea for this story while peeling potatoes.

B. As he approached the curve, the driver slowed down. (part.)

à Approaching the curve, the driver slowed down

C. We need a sign that will attract attention. (inf.)

à We need a sign to attract attention.

Here are some examples showing how clauses can sometimes be reduced to prepositional phrases and to single words: à Dưới đây là một số ví dụ thể hiện cách các mệnh đề có thể được rút gon thành cụm tính từ (with a good book; by studying hard; under his management; to his disappointment; …) hoặc thành những cụm từ đơn (an interesting plot; a yellow car; a pretty girl…)

Adjective Clause (mệnh đề tính ngữ): 

I like a book that has an interesting plot.

A girl who is smartà a smart girl

People who are richà rich people

Prepositional Phrase (cụm giới từà có giới từ) : 

I like a book with an Interesting plot.

Who has good English à with good English

Whose English is good à with good English

Who does not have a sibling à without a sibling

ADJECTIVE CLAUSE:  The plane carries a raft that is made of rubber.

ADJECTIVE (cụm tính từà có tính từ đi trước danh từ):    The plane carries a rubber raft.

* Often we can reduce an adjective clause to an appositive, making a neater, more compact sentence.–> rút gọn bỏ WHO IS/ WHO ARE/ WHICH IS…

ADJECTIVE CLAUSE:  I felt sorry for Paul, who was the only child on the block.

Appositive: I felt sorry for Paul, the only child on the block.

* A prepositional phrase with a gerund as the object of the preposition can often pinch-hit for an adverb clause.

Adverb Clause: If you take your time, you will do better work.

Prepositional Phrase: You will do better work by taking your time.

* We can sometimes gain a word or two by using an adjective or an adverb in place of a prepositional phrase.

PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE:  The road to Danville is temporarily closed.

ADJECTIVE:    The Danville road is temporarily closed.

That is in Londonà in London

Who are from Franceà from France

PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE: We play this game in a different way.

ADVERB:         We play this game differently.

(in a careful manner à carefully; in a different way à differently; in a creative way à creatively…)

prep.     prepositional phrase                   app. = appositive

prep. ger. = prepositional phrase           adj.      adjective

with gerund as object                             adv. = adverb



1. A girl whose voice was very good sang several songs. (prep.)

2. Even the people who were in the last row heard very well. (prep.)

3. I wouldn’t care to live in a neighbourhood that doesn’t have any trees. (prep.)

4. We were stuck for an hour on a road that was muddy. (adj.)

5. Dorothy Livesay depicts all her characters with care. (adv.)

6. There are telephones for the public in the hotel lobby. (adj.)

7. You can’t do the job in a satisfactory way in ten minutes. (adv.)

8. One should not tell gloomy and depressing stories to people when they are sick. (adj.)

9. The Red Cross immediately sent help to the disaster area that was in the Southwest. (prep.)

10. Barton, who was our star goalie, had sprained his wrist in the previous game. (app.)

11. San Marino, which is the world’s smallest republic, covers an area of 40km2.    (app.)

12. Galileo, who was an Italian astronomer, offered proof that the earth revolves around the sun. (app.)

13. The city zoo, which is the delight of all children, is always crowded on Sundays. (app.)

14. The committee suggested a new plan that will reduce air pollution. (prep. ger.)

15. I believe that accidents should be prevented before they happen. (prep. ger.)

16. The entertainer faces a fine and prison sentence because he evaded his income tax. (prep. ger.

17. Elba always agrees with the speaker that is rational. (adi.)

18. The superintendent stated no reason why she resigned (prep. ger.)

19. After we had combed the neighborhood for our dog. we put an ad in the local paper. (prep. ger.)

* Đối với câu mệnh đề quan hệ

Khi câu mệnh đề quan hệ mà có dạng “which” +to be, hoặc “who” +to beè thì “which” +to be và “who” +to be sẽ được lược bỏ đi.

Ex: This is my friend David, who is a great guitarist

à This is my friend David, a great guitarist.

Our English class, which is held at Beonline, is very interesting.

à Our English class, held at Beonline, is very interesting.

Khi câu mệnh đề quan hệ ở dạng câu chủ động: who/which/that…+V(s,es,ed,…) = V-ing

Khi câu mệnh đề quan hệ ở dạng câu bị động: who/which/that…+tobe Vp2 = Vp2

Ex: The girl who is standing over there is my friend



= The girl standing over there is my friend

The city which is located in the south is my hometown

= The city located in the south is my hometown


I. Combine these two sentences into one sentence using Relative Clause. Then, rewrite the Relative Clause in the form of reduced relative clause. Question 1 has been done for you.  (Ghép hai câu thành một câu có sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ, rồi sau đó viết lại câu đó dưới dạng mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn)

1. We visited the Farmers’ Market. It is a place of great activity.

à We visited the Farmers’ Market, which is a place of great activity.

à We visited the Farmers’ Market, a place of great activity.

2. Eileen got credit for the victory. She was the relief pitcher.

3. Ms. Fritz will talk about careers in banking. She is the manager of a local bank.

4. A driver should look ahead at least 100 m. This is the length of a football field.

5. One of our most serious problems will be discussed. It is the international food shortage.

6. The debate was judged by Mrs. Leeds. She is a retired judge.

7. Soybeans were a failure that year. They were our principal crop.

8. The word “meander” comes from the Maiandros River. It is a zigzag river in Asia.

9. A French king invented high heels to make himself look taller. The king was Louis XIV.

10. Juan de Fuca and Lorenzo Maldonaldo both claimed to have discovered the North-West Passage. They were sixteenth century explorers.


1. Jeff circulated among his guests. He chatted a moment with each one.

2. The guides are high school students. They are dressed in Loyalist costumes.

3. I attempted to start a conversation. I made a remark about the weather.

4. Laura wore a parka. It was borrowed from a friend.

5. We stood in the doorway. We waited for the rain to stop.

6. The entire stock was damaged by smoke and water, and it was reduced in price.

7. A violin weighs about 0.5 kg, and it consists of about seventy pieces.

8. The company anticipated a strike and it bought large amounts of steel.

9. The barracuda will attack a person, and it is called the tiger of the sea.

10. The movie was adapted from a novel by Mordecai Richler, and it strikes a smashing blow against avarice.

III. Reduce each italicized clause to the word group indicated in parentheses. Cross out the unnecessary words and add the words you need to make the change. (Rút gọn mệnh đề được in nghiêng theo dạng được nêu lên trong ngoặc đơn. Gạch bỏ từ không cần thiết và thêm các từ cần thiết để tạo nên sự thay đổi hợp lý)

Refer to the examples on the preceding page for help. (Add 10 points for each correct sentence.)

ellip. = elliptical clause= mệnh đề rút gọn, lược bỏà bỏ đại từ/danh từ + to be

part. = participial phrase = cụm từ có động từ ở dạng bị độngà chuyển thành V-ed

cụm từ có động từ ở dạng chủ độngà chuyển thành V-ing

infi = infinitive phrase = cụm có động từ nguyên thểà chuyển thành “to V” (“to” +động từ nguyên thể)

A. I got the idea for this story while I was peeling potatoes. (ellip.)

à I got the idea for this story while peeling potatoes.

B. As he approached the curve, the driver slowed down. (part.)

à Approaching the curve, the driver slowed down

C. We need a sign that will attract attention. (inf.)

à We need a sign to attract attention.

1. If it is properly trained, a dog will not chase cars. (ellip.)

2. Jeanne Sauvé is very serious when she is discussing politics. (ellip.)

3. I lost my balance while I was climbing the ladder. (ellip.)

4. Because she knew that I liked animals, Jenny gave me a puppy for my birthday. (part.)

5. Mrs. Barry served us corn that was raised in her own garden. (part.)

6. The player who holds the highest card plays first. (part.)

7. I said nothing that could hurt his feelings. (inf.)

8. The words to ‘O Canada’ which were written by Stanley Weir in 1908 are not the official English version of the anthem. (part.)

9. Calixa Lavellée wrote the music in 1880 while he was working to establish a conservatory of music in Montreal. (ellip.)

10. The original French words which were written by Adolphe Routhier pre-date the English version by over twenty years. (part.)


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